
Abigail Kocher

It is with great pride that we announce Abigail E. Kocher has passed her state boards and has received her Funeral Director’s license. Abigail is the Third generation who will be continuing the legacy of her late Grandfather and Founder Joseph F. Reichel. Abigail’s role at the funeral home will be to assist and guide families with friendship, respect, and dignity. She is honored to serve her community where she was raised.

Abby’s accomplishment is a testament to the loved ones she has lost. Her grandparents, Joe and Ginny Reichel, and most recently her cousins Jessica Yoo and Joshua Mariano who were her greatest inspirations. She truly has empathy and understanding for families who are dealing with the loss of a loved one. She knows the importance of treating families as she would have her own family members be treated. She has been taught the right and proper way of handling families and family members at their life’s lowest point. Abby provides compassion, kindness, and respect when families need it most. Well done Abby, Continue with your good work! We love you, and, we are so very proud of you.

©2025 J. F. Reichel Funeral Home Inc. ~ 220 Washington Park, Nazareth, PA 18064
©2025 J. F. Reichel Funeral Home Inc
220 Washington Park, Nazareth, PA 18064